Antonio Fabbrizio

Professional Overview

University Professor, PhD, Engineer, Project Manager, Innovation Manager

(1993 - Present)

With over thirty years of experience, I have gained deep technical and administrative expertise in managing complex projects. My expertise extends to strategic data management, with a particular focus on the financial, physical, and procedural aspects of projects.

I have worked in the context of public administrations and publicly funded companies, applying sophisticated analytical approaches to the monitoring and reporting of European cohesion policies.

During my career in the IT sector, I have developed high-level technical skills, specializing in advanced operating systems such as Windows, Linux, OS/2, and Mac OS. I have a solid command of office productivity suites, including Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and LibreOffice.

I have experience in software development with languages such as VisualBasic, SQL, HTML, UML, JAVA, and C++, applied in cutting-edge areas such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). I have practical experience in advanced robotics, with innovations in control techniques for industrial manipulators, addressing the challenges of human-machine interactions.

In the field of content management systems and web conferencing, I competently manage platforms such as Adobe Connect and Adobe Sign and have advanced experience in Moodle LMS.

In project management, I use tools like SGP, SGPQ, SAD, and ReGiS.

Academic Experience

I am currently a university professor in the following Degree and Master's programs.


  • Business Information Systems (ING-INF/05)
  • Big Data (ING-INF/01)
  • Intelligent Devices for Health and Wellness (ING-INF/05)

Degree Programs:

  • Computer and Automation Engineering (LM32)
  • Computer and Automation Engineering, Cybersecurity Curriculum (LM32)
  • Computer and Automation Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Curriculum (LM32)
  • Motor Sciences for Wellness and Health (LM67)

Master's Programs:

  • Management for the Direction of Complex Structures (2nd level)
  • Management for the Management of Healthcare Organizations (2nd level)
  • Manager 4.0 in Healthcare (1st level)
  • Motor and Postural Assessment (1st level)

Project Management Experience

Senior Project Manager

As a Senior Project Manager, I have successfully managed over 200 projects, many of which are very complex. I have worked with top management of universities, research centers, and public and private companies at the national and international levels. My responsibilities also include strategic consulting, resource selection, leadership, and mentoring.

Some of the projects I have managed:

  • ARIEL - INTERREG VB ADRION 2014/2020 - CCI 2014TCI6M4TN002
  • "MedGreenHydro - DM 31/12/2021 - Agreements for Innovation in the Specific Areas of Intervention related to the Second Pillar of the "Horizon Europe" Program - Project Code No. 274
  • "SEA-AG EcoInnovate" - Directorate Decree 30 October 2023 - 'Sustainable Investment 4.0' - PN RIC 2021 - 2027" - Project Code No. INPRO0000352
  • SCORELINE - Agreements for Innovation - Sustainable Growth Fund - 'Agrifood' Application Sector - MISE Project Code No. 1728
  • Multimedia University Laboratory (LUM) (MIUR Measure II.2 - Action B)
  • PUBBLITECH - New Technologies for Public Administration
  • ULISSE - Multimedia Platform for Cultural and Environmental Heritage
  • SMS JOB.MOBI - System for Personnel Selection through Mobile Telephony
  • GeSeTOn - Large R&D Projects (PON IC 2014/2020)
  • TESEO: High-Efficiency Technologies for On-Board Energy and Environmental Sustainability - MIUR - PON Research and Competitiveness - Code: PON02_00153_2939517
  • BIO4BIO: Biomolecular and Energy Valorization of Residual Biomass from the Agro-Industrial and Fishing Sector - MIUR - PON Research and Competitiveness - Codes: PON02_00667, PON02_00451_3362376
  • SEAPORT: Development of Innovative Technologies for Energy and Environmental Sustainability of Shipyards and Port Areas - Funding: MIUR - PON Research and Competitiveness - Code: PON02_00153_2939551
  • Advanced Technological Platform for the Management of Distribution Networks for Access of Made in Italy Chains to the International Market - MISE "New Technologies for Made in Italy" - Code: MI01_00226
  • Digital Holographic Device for Virtual Representation of Products - MISE "New Technologies for Made in Italy" - Code: MI1_00238
  • PESCATEC: Development of Sustainable and Competitive Sicilian Fishing through Technological Innovation - MIUR - PON Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013 - Code: PON02_00667_3362121
  • Integrated System for Content Representation and Provision of Value-Added Services - MISE - Technological Innovation Fund - Code: 0041542